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24 Juli 2016

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Sometimes we want a romantic villa like Berry Amour, but sometimes, we're looking for cozy and homey feeling during our Bali trip.

Tropical garden vibes
Special treats for us when we checked in

Memasuki villa di daerah Seminyak ini serasa memasuki area lain yang jauh lebih tenang. Setiap unit villa di Le Jardin terasa sangat private, baik di unit villa 1 bedroom, 2 bedrooms, ataupun 3 bedrooms.

Entering the villa in Seminyak area is like entering another area which is much quieter. Each unit of villa in Le Jardin feels very private, both at the unit villa with 1 bedroom, 2 bedrooms, or three bedrooms.

The kitchen

Dikelilingi pepohonan dan taman, unit-unit villa memberikan rasa Bali namun modern. Semua kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti kitchen, dining area, private pool persis di depan kamar utama, livingroom dan outdoor shower dan bathtub yang terasa sangat private.

Surrounded by trees and gardens, these villa units provides a Balinese sense yet modern. All daily necessities such as kitchen, dining area, private pool is located right in front of the main room, livingroom and outdoor shower and a bathtub that feels very private.

Twin bed at the second floor
private bathtub and gazebo at the second floor
Di lantai dua terdapat kamar (untuk 2 bedroom villa), dengan outdoor shower room dan bathtub, plus gazebo untuk bersantai.

On the second floor there is a room (for 2 bedroom villa), with outdoor shower room and bath, plus a gazebo for relaxing.

Also did underwater fun photoshoot with Stephanie Baier, wait for the result at WTRLMNT :)
With all the cozy feeling and private mood during our stay, breakfast in the villa juga menambah rasa nyaman, seakan-akan tinggal di rumah sendiri, but with additional of private pool and a walk-distance from Seminyak fun cafes and shops :)

With all the cozy feeling and private mood during our stay, breakfast in the villa also adds a sense of comfort, as if staying in your own home, but with the additional of a private pool and a walk-distance from Seminyak's fun cafes and shops :)

@marischkaprue - always love to return to Bali


Jalan Sarinande #7
Seminyak, Bali
T: +62 361 730165

Start from:
One bedroom villa Rp. 3 juta per night
Two bedrooms villa Rp. 3,5 juta per night
(see special deal on their website here)



Eviindrawanto.Com mengatakan...

Indah nian villanya Kak Prue. Beneran deh seperti sepotong surga yang ada di Bali :)

Unknown mengatakan...

Kalo villa nya gede gini, enak nya liburan bareng keluarga atau temen2 yaaa
Btw aku tertarik sama bebek floating nya, kak prue beli dimana ??? aku mauuuuu

fanny fristhika nila mengatakan...

mba, aku rada salfok pas liat bebek2annya ;p.. hihihihi, ini kalo kliatan anakku bisa2 dia minta dibeliin juga..

Ninno Emanuel mengatakan...

Keren vila di Bali ini,
Lokasinya juga di Seminyak jadi mudah kemana-mana

Sinta Wiranata mengatakan...

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