Trevi fountain yang megah di tengah kota Roma |
Roma, ibu kota Provinsi Roma yang terletak di hilir sungai
Tiber, dengan catatan sejarah ribuan tahun. Roma adalah kota yang penuh pesona
karya seni dan keindahan pergerakan seni dari masa ke masa.
Rome, the capital of the Roman province located in the downstream of Tiber river, with history from thousands of years ago, Rome is a city full of charm and beauty, the fascinating art works and art movements from time to time.
Rome, the capital of the Roman province located in the downstream of Tiber river, with history from thousands of years ago, Rome is a city full of charm and beauty, the fascinating art works and art movements from time to time.
Mengunjungi Roma tidak lengkap tanpa melempar koin di air
mancur Trevi, atau yang biasa disebut Fontana
di Trevi. Air mancur paling ikonik di dunia ini menjadi salah satu penanda
keagungan seni di masa baroque.
Simbol legenda seperti sosok Triton, putra dari Poseidon sang dewa dan Oceanus
menjadi sosok yang memberi keindahan pada Trevi.
Visiting Rome won't be complete without throwing a coin into the Trevi fountain which commonly called the Fontana di Trevi. This most iconic fountain in the world becoming one of the markers in the art of baroque grandeur. Symbols such as the figure legends Triton, son of Poseidon, the Oceanus became elements that brings beauty and elegance to this fountain.
Visiting Rome won't be complete without throwing a coin into the Trevi fountain which commonly called the Fontana di Trevi. This most iconic fountain in the world becoming one of the markers in the art of baroque grandeur. Symbols such as the figure legends Triton, son of Poseidon, the Oceanus became elements that brings beauty and elegance to this fountain.
Trevi tidak hanya menyuguhkan air mancur, perhatian pertama
anda akan langsung tertuju pada bangunan besar di belakang derasnya air, serta
sosok patung mitologi romawi. Trevi adalah air mancur yang dibangun dari
rentang tahun 1732 hingga 1762. Karya seni dengan lebar 20 meter dan tinggi 26
meter ini sempat mengalami beberapa perubahan desain karena ditangani arsitek
yang berbeda, mulai dari pematung terkenal Italia, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, hingga
Nicola Salvi yang meninggal sebelum air mancur ini selesai.
Standing here, you'll immediately drawn to see the large building behind the water, with sculpture of Roman mythology figures. Trevi fountain was built from 1732 to 1762. This 20 meters wide and 26 meters high Roman building had gone through several design changes since being handled by different architects, ranging from well-known Italian sculptor, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, to Nicola Salvi, who died before the fountain was completed.
Standing here, you'll immediately drawn to see the large building behind the water, with sculpture of Roman mythology figures. Trevi fountain was built from 1732 to 1762. This 20 meters wide and 26 meters high Roman building had gone through several design changes since being handled by different architects, ranging from well-known Italian sculptor, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, to Nicola Salvi, who died before the fountain was completed.
Keindahan Trevi adalah daya tarik bagi ribuan turis yang
datang setiap harinya ke lokasi ini. Namun anda tidak hanya akan terpana
menyaksikan lekuk kebesaran seni barogue disini. Siapkan koin saat anda
berkunjung karena itulah yang dilakukan turis setiap berkunjung ke Roma.
Trevi's beauty attract thousands of tourists to come every day. But you will not only be struck by the greatness of art barogue dent here. Prepare coins when you visit because that's what every tourist do when visiting Rome.
Trevi's beauty attract thousands of tourists to come every day. But you will not only be struck by the greatness of art barogue dent here. Prepare coins when you visit because that's what every tourist do when visiting Rome.
Suasana di malam hari, lebih dipenuhi turis :) |
Ada mitos tiga koin di air mancur Trevi. Pertama, lemparlah
koin jika anda ingin kembali ke Roma. Syaratnya, anda harus melempar koin dari
tangan kanan hingga koin melewati bahu kiri dan masuk ke kolam. Sementara
tambahkan satu koin lagi untuk romansa dan cinta, hingga koin ketiga yang
dipercaya akan melanggengkan anda ke pernikahan.
There is a myth about three coins in the Trevi fountain. First, tossed a coin if you want to go back to Rome. Also there are some rules here, you have to flip a coin on the right hand until the coin passes your left shoulder and fell into the pond. You can add one more coins for romance and love, or tossed the third coin that believed will brings you to the marriage life.
There is a myth about three coins in the Trevi fountain. First, tossed a coin if you want to go back to Rome. Also there are some rules here, you have to flip a coin on the right hand until the coin passes your left shoulder and fell into the pond. You can add one more coins for romance and love, or tossed the third coin that believed will brings you to the marriage life.
Melempar koin di air mancur Trevi bukanlah kepercayaan baku,
melainkan aksi yang direpetisi hingga menjadi kebiasaan bagi mereka yang datang
ke Roma, apapun latar belakang anda, apapun kepercayaan anda. Bagi saya, selagi
anda punya kesempatan mengunjungi Roma, tidak ada salahnya menyisihkan beberapa
cent mata uang Euro untuk dilempar.
Tossing coins in Trevi fountain isn't a major believe. This is acts which is repeated over and over again until it became a habit for those who came to Rome, whatever your background, whatever your beliefs. For me, while you had the chance to step in this city, nothting wrong about tossing a few Euro cents to be thrown.
Tossing coins in Trevi fountain isn't a major believe. This is acts which is repeated over and over again until it became a habit for those who came to Rome, whatever your background, whatever your beliefs. For me, while you had the chance to step in this city, nothting wrong about tossing a few Euro cents to be thrown.
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Setelah melempar dua koin di Trevi fountain. |
Percaya ataupun tidak dengan mitos tiga koin, setidaknya
3000 Euro dikumpulkan dari dasar kolam air mancur Trevi setiap harinya. Salah
satunya bisa saja dilempar dari tangan anda.
Either you believe it or not, at least 3,000 euros collected from the bottom of the Trevi fountain each day. One of them could have been thrown out of your hands.
Have Fun, Enjoy Life, Start Traveling!
Yang mau lihat video mengenai air mancur Trevi, bisa lihat disini:
If you want to see the video about Trevi, see here:
Yang mau lihat video mengenai air mancur Trevi, bisa lihat disini:
If you want to see the video about Trevi, see here:
wooooo...dari dlu pengen bnget kesana... besok2 ajak dong kakah :D
#blogwalking #ninggalinjejak
ha ha... dua koin,
Blog yang menarik, mengingatkan saya akan Fontana di Trevi di Roma. Tema “Taming of the Waters” (Penjinakan Air-Air) digambarkan dengan gaya baroque yang agung
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