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27 Agustus 2013

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Fosil di Gua Batu Cermin


Saat mendengar cermin kita pasti akan membayangkan hal yang merefleksikan, dapat melihat diri atau bayangan. Namun saat saya datang gua ini gelap total, pitch black, tapi dengan bantuan sedikit penerangan ada hal hal menarik yang bisa ditemukan disini.
When we hear "mirror", we would imagine things that reflects our shadows. But when I came to this cave, it was pitch black, but with a little help from a bit light there are some interesting to find here.

The way to the path, taken with Samsung NX2000
Nice atmosphere, taken with Samsung NX2000
Terletak di Kampung Wae Kesambi, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Gua Batu Cermin mudah dijangkau karena tidak jauh dari area pelabuhan di Labuan Bajo. Berkendara kurang dari setengah jam kami sudah sampai di depan plang tulisan Gua Batu Cermin dan tinggal menyusuri jalan setapak yang rata untuk menuju mulut gua.

Located in the village of Wae Kesambi, West Manggarai, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, Batu Cermin Cave ("Batu" means rock, and "cermin" means mirror) are easy to access since it is not far from the harbor area of Labuan Bajo. Only less than half an hour driving and you'll get yourself in front of the Batu Cermin Cave gate post, just walk through the path to get into the entry of the cave.

Bamboo tunnel, taken with Samsung NX2000
The entrance, taken with Samsung NX2000
Sebagian jalan masuk menuju Gua Batu Cermin dipenuhi pohon bambu yang menunduk, seakan akan membuat semacam terowongan dari bambu. Tidak lama berjalan anda akan melihat tebing batu setinggi sekitar 70 meter dan pintu masuk ke Gua Cermin.

Most of the entrance to the Batu Cermin Cave filled with bamboo trees in a position which make sort of tunnel. Then, you'll see a rock cliff about 70 meters high and also the entrance to Batu Cermin Cave.

The main entrance to get inside the cave, taken with Samsung NX2000
Sudah ada tangga untuk menuju ke area dalam, jadi gua ini benar benar mudah untuk diakses. Gua Batu Cermin pertama kali ditemukan oleh arkeolog Belanda bernama Theodore Verhoven dan kini menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata yang selalu disebut jika anda mengunjungi Labuan Bajo di Flores.

There are already some stairs to get to the area, so the cave is actually really easy to access. Batu Cermin Cave was first discovered by a Dutch archaeologist named Theodore Verhoven and now has become one of the destinations you'll hear when you visit Labuan Bajo in Flores.
Looked like the form of corals, taken with Samsung NX2000
Nama Batu Cermin muncul karena fenomena yang terjadi di waktu waktu tertentu. Pada sekitar pukul 9 hingga 10 pagi, kemiringan cahaya matahari akan pas masuk ke area celah langit langit gua dan memantul ke dalam, dan direfleksikan oleh dinding gua yang berkarakter memantulkan kembali cahaya sehingga area dalam gua akan terang. Jika fenomena ini terjadi setelah hujan dan ada genangan maka bayangan akan terpantul sempurna sehingga dinamakan Gua Batu Cermin.
This cave called "Batu Cermin" or "mirror rock" due to the
phenomenon which occurs in a particular time period. At around 9 to 10 am, the slope of the sunlight will fit into the gap area of the ceiling and bounced into the cave, then the cave walls reflects the light inside. If this phenomenon occurs after rain, the puddle will make the shadow reflected perfectly, like a mirror.

I  don't wanna use flash, so I took the slow shutter but I don't bring my tripod so it's a bit blurry
Looking at the details, taken with Samsung NX2000
Sayangnya saya datang di sore hari sehingga tidak menemukan momen tersebut, namun gua ini tetap menarik di saat gelap. Dengan bantuan senter kami mengeksplorasi dalam gua. Dipercaya dahulu sebagian daratan flores berada di bawah laut dan terangkat ke permukaaan, Gua Batu Cermin memiliki bukti bukti tersebut.
Unfortunately I came in the afternoon so I didn't get the moment, but strolling around the cave is still interesting, even in the dark. With the help from flashlights we explored the cave. Some people believe that part of Flores land were lies under the sea long time ago, then lifted to the surface and this Batu Cermin Cave has the proof.

see the trip & the sea turtle fossil on this video:
video shootings using Samsung NX2000
High walls and perfect for photo, taken with Samsung NX2000
Ada beberapa fosil binatang laut yang masih jelas menempel di dinding gua, mulai dari ikan hingga penyu laut yang menempel di bagian dalam atas dinding gua. Meski tidak dapat "bercermin" namun gua ini dapat membuat kita merefleksi sedikit, membayangkan struktur batuan dan dinding gua ini saat masih berada di dalam laut, membuat saya semakin ingin menyelami gua, cave diving..

There are few fossils of marine animals that you can still see the form on the walls, ranging from fish to sea turtles this fossils attached in the cave walls. Although I'm not be able to "reflect" but this cave make me reflect a little, imagine the structure of rocks and cave walls while still in the sea, makes me want to dive into the cave, cave diving ..

@marischkaprue - See her own reflection as a lucky human being

All photos taken by Samsung NX2000
A stylish small camera, esp for women :)

Also, this camera has wifi, so transferring data is easy. Use this mode on your camera.
First go to Wifi mode, click Mobile Link, select transfer method (smartphone or camera), turn on the wifi on your mobile phone, connect to Samsung NX2000, open Samsung Smart App in your mobile phone and choose which photos you want to transfer to your phone. Yes, life is easier now :)

Choose the Mobile Link for easy transfer



Indonesianholic mengatakan...

Pemandangan pohon bambu yang menunduk itu seakan membentuk sebuah jalur, asli keren banget dan terkesan alami banget