Ada 21 pulau kecil yang tersebar di Danau Sentani, Danau
terbesar di Papua dengan pemandangan spektakuler yang selalu membuat saya
tercengang. Namun, saat datang disini ada satu pulau yang selalu dikunjungi
karena keunikan kreatifitas lokal dan pecahan sejarah Perang Dunia ke II yang
tersimpan di pulau tersebut.
There are 21 small islands scattered in Sentani Lake, the largest lake in Papua with spectacular view that always amaze me. However, there is one island which always visited because of its uniqueness of local creativity and a piece of story from World War II.
There are 21 small islands scattered in Sentani Lake, the largest lake in Papua with spectacular view that always amaze me. However, there is one island which always visited because of its uniqueness of local creativity and a piece of story from World War II.
The beautiful Sentani Lake |
Pulau Asei berdekatan dengan dermaga utama di Danau Sentani.
Hanya perlu sekitar 5 menit naik kapal kayu untuk menyebrang ke Pulau Asei.
Memasuki dermaga tidak lama saya langsung melihat beragam kulit kayu yang
Asei island located near to the main pier in Lake Sentani. So close that you only need about 5 minutes to cross from the pier to Asei. I walk into the dock in Asei Island and immediately saw the variety of painted paper wood.
Asei island located near to the main pier in Lake Sentani. So close that you only need about 5 minutes to cross from the pier to Asei. I walk into the dock in Asei Island and immediately saw the variety of painted paper wood.
Kerajinan kulit kayu ini adalah kreatifitas khas di Sentani,
menggunakan kayu khombouw yang diratakan, dihilangkan getahnya, dicuci dan
dijemur hingga kayu ini menjadi bahan tipis seperti kertas. Kemudian, kulit
kayu khombouw ini dilukis dengan pewarna alami dari alam, dengan motif yang
memiliki makna tradisi.
This kind of painting is a unique craft in Sentani. Local people use khombouw wood which been flatened, removed the sap, washed and dried in the sun until the wood became so thin. Later on, this khombouw bark painted with natural dyes from nature, with variety of forms which have traditional meanings.
This kind of painting is a unique craft in Sentani. Local people use khombouw wood which been flatened, removed the sap, washed and dried in the sun until the wood became so thin. Later on, this khombouw bark painted with natural dyes from nature, with variety of forms which have traditional meanings.
Ada bentuk bentuk tertentu yang melambangkan maskulinitas ataupun feminitas, lebih berupa bentuk abstrak. Sebagian lagi melambangkan masyarakat kecil, misalnya lambang ikan dan cicak. Memperhatikan pola pola dan motif kerajinan khombouw ini jauh lebih seru jika anda sambil mencari informasi arti dari setiap motif sehingga saat membelinya sesuaikan juga dengan arti yang anda cari.
Certain forms symbolize masculinity or femininity, when I saw I realize it's more of an abstract form. Some symbolize community, such as fish and lizard. Looking at these patterns at khombouw craft is much more exciting if you also know the meaning of each patterns and forms so when you buy it, you can find the one suits you well.
Harga kerajinan ini bervariatif, mulai dari 50 ribu rupiah
untuk yang berukuran kecil, hingga ratusan ribu. Masyarakat di Pulau Asei pun
sudah terbiasa membuat kerajinan khombouw. Ibu Delilah yang menjual kerajinan
ini menceritakan bahwa sejak kecil ia sudah memperhatikan cara pembuatan dilakukan
oleh orang tuanya. "Sudah lama saya bikin, semua belajar dari kecil,"
ujar Ibu Delilah sambil memperlihatkan sejumlah kerajian khombouw dengan
beragam motif.
The prices vary, ranging from 50 thousand rupiahs for a small craft, up to hundreds thousand rupiahs. This craftsmanship is already became a community skills. Delilah, whom selling this crafts told me that she can make khombouw craft since she was a little girl, learning from her parents. "I've been doing this long enough, learn it since I was a child," she said while showing a number of khombouw crafts she made.
The prices vary, ranging from 50 thousand rupiahs for a small craft, up to hundreds thousand rupiahs. This craftsmanship is already became a community skills. Delilah, whom selling this crafts told me that she can make khombouw craft since she was a little girl, learning from her parents. "I've been doing this long enough, learn it since I was a child," she said while showing a number of khombouw crafts she made.
Pigs everywhere |
Tidak hanya kerajinan yang saya temui disini. Pulau Asei menyenangkan untuk berkeliling, melihat jajaran rumah yang dibangun di atas air danau dan babi babi yang berkeliaran di sekitar pulau.
In Asei, you'll find not only khombouw crafts. This island is actually a nice place to walk around, seeing houses built on top of the water and also pigs walking everywhere around the island.
Dari jajaran rumah ada jalan yang menuju ke bagian atas
pulau. Di ujung anda akan menemukan gereja tua dengan arsitektur sederhana.
Yang menarik bagian mimbar tidak seperti mimbar gereja pada umumnya, ada bentuk
sayap dari kayu yang melekat pada mimbar.
Near the houses, you'll see a path leading to the top of the island. Just walk around five minutes and you'll find yourself seeing an old church. The design is simple, but the interesting part is the pulpit, I saw a form of wooden wings attached to the pulpit and its not common.
Near the houses, you'll see a path leading to the top of the island. Just walk around five minutes and you'll find yourself seeing an old church. The design is simple, but the interesting part is the pulpit, I saw a form of wooden wings attached to the pulpit and its not common.
Gereja di Pulau Asei sebelumnya berada di area bawah. Namun
pada masa Perang Dunia ke II, Sentani dan Pulau Asei berada dalam jalur merah
penyerangan sekutu. Warga dahulu sempat mengungsi di kala perang bergejolak dan
kemudian usai PD ke II, gereja kembali dibangun di bagian atas Pulau Asei.
Previously, this church located in the different location. During World War II, Sentani and also Asei is in the red line area, meaning that the location is in the targeted area. During the war, local people leave the island for a while and came back after the war ended. The church is rebuilt in the top area of the island.
Layers of colors in the sky |
Pulau ini akan membuat anda merasakan tenang. Selain jauh
dari hingar bingar, di kala senja Pulau Asei punya lokasi indah untuk menikmati
matahari turun perlahan. Persis di dermaga pulau ini anda dapat mengamati
sunset dengan foreground rumah tradisional dan perahu yang sesekali melintas
dan sudah terlihat sebagai siluet.
This island gave me a peaceful feeling. Away from the busy and loud noises of the city and when the sun prepare to set, Asei has one of the great place to enjoy the sun disappearing slowly. At the dock you can watch the sunset, plus traditional houses and boats passing by, building a perfect silhouette.
This island gave me a peaceful feeling. Away from the busy and loud noises of the city and when the sun prepare to set, Asei has one of the great place to enjoy the sun disappearing slowly. At the dock you can watch the sunset, plus traditional houses and boats passing by, building a perfect silhouette.
Jika duduk dan menikmati ketenangan Pulau Asei sulit rasanya
membayangkan area ini dahulu masuk dalam jalur merah penyerangan dan
dibombardir sekutu. Ah, saya hanya berharap tempat ini selalu damai. This is a beautiful place, to beautiful to
be ruined by human.
When I sat and enjoy this tranquility, it's hard to imagine that this area formerly in the red zone and bombarded during the World War II. Oh well, I just hope this place is always peaceful. This is a beautiful place, to beautiful to be ruined by human.
When I sat and enjoy this tranquility, it's hard to imagine that this area formerly in the red zone and bombarded during the World War II. Oh well, I just hope this place is always peaceful. This is a beautiful place, to beautiful to be ruined by human.
@marischkaprue - its
hard for her to stop looking at beautiful sunset
Photos taken by Samsung NX300
Photos taken by Samsung NX300
Love it !
Ketika Engkau tercengang dan terkagum dengan alam Sentani Lake,
aku bisa ikut merasakannya melalui tulisanmu yg indah itu.
aku akan selalu mengikuti ceritamu yg menggugah keindahan itu.
melalui tulisan dan foto-fotomu yang luar biasa itu,Indonesia makin keren habis.
Salam Explore.
Indonesia Keren
Lewat Mariska Prudence
Thanks mas Pepeng :)
wah kangen pulau itu...
Waw mbak Mariska keren banget hobynya jalan-jalan keliling Indonesia lagi, Semangat ya semoga Kapan kapan saya diajak hehe
Thanks Avnie, semoga bisa traveling bareng ya someday,
kadang2 buka open trip juga kok :)
Aseiku ASEIFAA. Dipulau kecil itulah terpecah menjadi beberapa suku yang terkenal dibeberapa tempat dan pulau yang berjajar mulai dari pulau yakonde hingga berujung di pulau puay.
Pulau kami memang indah dan saya sebagai anak campuran berkata, belum ada pulau seindah tempat kami sebelumnya.
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