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15 Oktober 2013

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8 Things To Do in Menjangan Resort


Terletak di Taman Nasional Bali Barat, ini adalah lokasi bagi yang ingin menikmati taman nasional dengan fasilitas resort. Taman Nasional Bali Barat berada di dua kabupaten, yaitu Buleleng dan Jembrana, namun area Menjangan Resort di wilayah pemanfaatan intensif dan disinilah tempat wisata dapat dibangun dan dikelola.

Located in West Bali National Park, this is the perfect place to enjoy the national park with comfort of a resort. West Bali National Park is located in two districts, Buleleng and Jembrana, but the area of ​​Menjangan Resort is in the intensive use areas and this is where the tourist facilities can be built and maintained.

Ada beberapa hal yang wajib dilakukan di Menjangan Resort, since this is a very beautiful place to be and these things will make your trip even more memorable.

There are several things that you better do in Menjangan Resort, since this is a very beautiful place to be and these things will the make your trip even more memorable.

1. Menyusuri hutan dengan kendaraan ala safari Afrika
    Enjoy strolling the park with this African-safari looked alike vehicle

Feels like into Africa :D

2. Bird watching dan naik ke menara pengamatan
    Bird watching and don't forget to get on top of the watching tower

The view is just mesmerizing
Get on top of the tower and you'll see this
On top of the tower
3. Mangrove Spa, persis di pinggir pantai
    Mangrove Spa, exactly by the beach

Nothing beats time with a good spa therapist
This view meaning double relax
4. Horse riding and see the sunset

Big horsie
Horse riding plus the sunset!
5. Bertemu rusa di pinggir pantai
    Meet these deers at the beach

Every day the deers will come to the beach and its fun to meet them :)

6. Kayaking

No worries, you won't fall into the water
Do I look like a kayak athlete? err, maybe not :D
7. Diving

This blue and you don't dive? come on!
Surely there are a lot of colors inside the blue Menjangan

8. Wine or beers by the beach

Nite convo at the beach
@marischkaprue - two times went to Menjangan and still want more 

Photo courtesy: Tommy Tjokro (2), (3), (5), (6), (7), (8), (14), (15), Christo Hantarikso (1), (4), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (20), (21)

  • The Menjangan Resort terletak di Taman Nasional Bali Barat, kontak untuk booking: +62362 94700 atau +6285238562575
  • The Menjangan Resort located at the West Bali National Park, for bookings contact: +62362 94700 or +6285238562575
  • List rate kamar di The Menjangan Resort dapat dilihat di website ini
  • You can see the room price list at The Menjangan Resort here


Unknown mengatakan...

Eh sumpah bikin ngiler, tapi liat harga nya lumayan juga hehehe.

Itu rusa berkeliaran di sekitar penginapan lucu banget.

Gear KHK mengatakan...

gan bagus banget foto2nya

Indikator Digital mengatakan...

makasih gan infonya

PLC mengatakan...

tempatnya bagus banget gan

inverter mengatakan...

kapan lagi gan mau foto2nya

Harry mengatakan...

harganya masih ga kesampean kayanya -_- tapi mantap banget klo bisa