Kadangkala ada beberapa orang yang bertanya pada saya, apakah perjalanan
begitu lama sebanding dengan apa yang didapat di destinasi saat saya
berkeliling Indonesia karena ada begitu banyak lokasi yang membutuhkan waktu
dan energi cukup banyak di perjalanan. Namun saya selalu menjawab "Yes, it
was worth the efforts"
Sometimes there
are some people who ask me, whether traveling for so long is comparable to what
is obtained in the destination when I travel around Indonesia as there are so
many locations that require quite a lot of time and energy on the trip. But I
always answer "Yes, it was worth the efforts"
Same answer goes for this destination: ANAMBAS
Perlu waktu sekitar 10 jam perjalanan dari Tanjung Pinang menuju
Tarempa, salah satu pulau utama di Anambas. Dari Tarempa, perlu waktu sekitar 3
hingga 6 jam lagi untuk tiba di pulau-pulau lain yang tersebar di area ini. Is
it worth the time and efforts? I would say DEFINITELY YES!
It should take about 10 hours drive from Tanjung Pinang towards Tarempa, one of the main islands in Anambas. From Tarempa, it will take about 3 to 6 hours to arrive at the other islands scattered in this area. Is it worth the time and Efforts? I would say DEFINITELY YES!
It should take about 10 hours drive from Tanjung Pinang towards Tarempa, one of the main islands in Anambas. From Tarempa, it will take about 3 to 6 hours to arrive at the other islands scattered in this area. Is it worth the time and Efforts? I would say DEFINITELY YES!
WHY? Well, here, take a look for yourself ;)
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The view around Bawah Island, taken by M. Ikhsan |
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The view around Bawah Island, taken by M. Ikhsan |
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Patrick Style in Penjalin Island |
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Enjoying our time and view from Pulau Bawah, taken by Alexander Thian |
Dreaming of floating in
private island, nobody but you and your friends? It's easy in Anambas, we
naturally don't have to share (ha!), lokasi yang cukup sulit dijangkau
juga jadi alasan mengapa pulau-pulau di Anambas begitu tenang, tanpa kerumunan
turis. Btw, we're not spending more than
10 hours on boat to spend time in a beach filled with hundreds of people,
Dreaming of
floating in private island, nobody but you and your friends? It's easy in
Anambas, we naturally do not have to share (ha!), The location of which is
quite difficult to reach as well be the reason why the islands Anambas so
quiet, without crowds of tourists. Btw, we're not spending more than 10 hours
on boat to spend time in a beach filled with hundreds of people, right?
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The view around Bawah Island, taken by M. Ikhsan |
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Floating in Penjalin Island "natural swimming pool" |
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Penjalin Island |
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Look at how clear the water is! Penjalin Island, Anambas |
Pasir yang meliputi kepulauan Anambas adalah pasir putih yang sangat
halus, dan sebagian area memiliki bentang laut beralaskan pasir putih di area
yang dangkal sehingga saat matahari bersinar terang, Anambas bagaikan kolam
renang alami. One of my favorite
turquoise heaven is right in front of Bawah Island, it's stunning!
Sand covering
Anambas is a very fine white sand, and some areas have seascape paved with
white sand in shallow areas so that when the sun is shining bright, Anambas
like a natural swimming pool. One of my favorite turquoise heaven is right in
front of the Bawah Island, it's stunning!
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Bawah Island, taken by M. Ikhsan |
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Fun times! |
Even CNN said that! Yes, salah satu pulau di Kabupaten Anambas, yaitu
Pulau Bawah pernah mendapat predikat sebagai Pulau Tropis terindah se-Asia
Tenggara. We have that in Indonesia, well, we gotta visit and see what we have
Even CNN said
that! Yes, one of the islands in Anambas, namely the Bawah Island had received
the title as the most beautiful tropical island in Southeast Asia. We have that
in Indonesia, well, we gotta visit and see what we have :)
Why it's the best tropical island? You'll see
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The view around Bawah Island, taken by M. Ikhsan |
Saya sangat senang berenang di saat senja, saat sinar matahari mewarnai
laut, merubah birunya laut menjadi refleksi warna senja dalam gurat-gurat arus
dan pusaran, sangat indah. On our first sunset in Anambas, I'm swimming in this
magical colorful ocean :)
I am very happy
to swim at dusk, when the sun is coloring the ocean, turning the sea into blue
color reflection dusk in streaks currents and eddies, very beautiful. On our
first sunset in Anambas, I'm swimming in this magical colorful ocean :)
If I knew the view would be this good, I would ask for a picnic session
here. Air Terjun Temburun di Tarempa punya pemandangan yang unik dan sangat
indah. Air terjun ini langsung mengarah ke laut, struktur batuan yang besar dan
berundak-undak sangat indah, dan kita dapat menikmati hingga ke ujung di saat
musim panas dan flow air terjun lebih sedikit. The view from here is definitely
amazing :)
If I Knew the
view would be this good, I would ask for a picnic session here. Temburun
Waterfaal in Tarempa has a unique landscape and very beautiful. This waterfall
leads directly to the sea, rock structures are huge and very lovely staircase
steps, and we can enjoy up to the end in the summer and waterfalls flow less.
The view from here is definitely amazing :)
@marischkaprue - continuosly visiting Indonesia's paradise
Kepulauan Anambas terletak di Kepulauan Riau
Saat ini tidak tersedia penerbangan umum ke Anambas (dahulu ada, namun flight ditutup dan saat ini jalur penerbangan umum ke Anambas tidak beroperasi) sehingga untuk menuju Anambas mesti melalui jalur laut dengan kapal cepat dari Tanjung Pinang (Bintan). Lama perjalanan Tanjung Pinang - Tarempa sekitar 10 jam perjalanan.
Tiket kapal cepat Tanjung Pinang - Tarempa Rp. 425.000,- (one way)
General flight is
currently not available to Anambas (there used to be, but the flight was
closed and now a common flight path to Anambas does not operate anymore) so to
get to Anambas necessarily by sea by fast boat from Tanjung Pinang (Bintan).
Long journey Tanjung Pinang - Tarempa about 10 hours.
Tiket kapal cepat Tanjung Pinang - Tarempa Rp. 425.000,- (one way)
Fast boat tickets
Tanjung Pinang - Tarempa Rp. 425.000, - (one way)
Untuk budget terbaik disarankan pergi dengan group karena perlu sewa kapal di Kepulauan Anambas untuk berkeliling, menginap juga di kapal.
For the best budget
recommended to go with the group because it needs to rent boats in Anambas to
get around, stay also on board.
I visit Anambas with Tukang Jalan, they open a scheduled trip to Anambas, budget Rp. 4.500.000,- per person (exclude tiket menuju Tanjung Pinang), untuk trip selama 6 hari 5 malam. You can have arranged private trip also, contact Tukang Jalan di:
I visit Anambas
with Tukang Jalan, they open a scheduled trip to Anambas, budget Rp. 4.500.000,
- per person (exclude the ticket to Tanjung Pinang), for a trip for 6 days 5
nights. You can have an arranged private trip also, contact Tukang Jalan on:
CP : Mentari 085810697553
Simpati 081315890191
XL 087808116852
WA / LINE : 081806898303 ; 087808116852 / 085810697553
PIN BB : 2BA4E9C1 / 52BDD3B1
Email : tuk4ng.jalan@gmail.com
WA / LINE : 081806898303 ; 087808116852 / 085810697553
PIN BB : 2BA4E9C1 / 52BDD3B1
Email : tuk4ng.jalan@gmail.com
Merinding liat foto2nya... saking bagus bangettt!!!! ^o^.. bangga sebagai orang Indonesia kita punya tempat seindah itu... moga2, selalu bersih, ga rusak krn ulah turis2 ga bertanggung jawab.. :)
Wow! Foto2nya bikin mupeng, Apalagi yg diambil pake drone.
Pulau idaman utk dikunjungi, mudah2an tahun ini deh ;-)
Yaaa amponnnn lelah sangat kesana nya 10 jam 3 jam 6 jam #KaesangCapek
Tp kece liat foto2 nya
Yaaampuuun, bagus banget kak ^^
Semoga bisa kesana suatu hari nanti.
Wah bagus2 ya fotonya
itu ambilnya pake drone ya K? keren banget, jadi pengen traveling lg nih, mumpung Indonesia masih bagus
Indonesia memang indah,, semoga tetap terjaga dan tetap jadi NKRI,, visit my blog at www.adventuretrus.com
Subhanallah ya kak.. dapet gelar dari CNN pula! kemana aja kita selama ini (yang taunya cuma singapur doang)
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