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29 April 2016

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GET LOST IN: KOMODO (and How to Win the Trip)


Meski sudah populer, bagi saya Komodo (wilayah Taman Nasional Komodo di Flores) tetap menjadi salah satu destinasi favorit. Jika Raja Ampat adalah destinasi dengan pemandangan alam yang "mewah," maka saya selalu menyebut Komodo sebagai destinasi yang "cantik dan tidak pernah membosankan."

Although it is already popular, for me Komodo (the Komodo National Park in Flores) remains one of the favorite destinations. If Raja Ampat is a destination with a natural "luxurious" landscape, so I always called Komodo as a destination that is "beautiful and never boring."

Mengapa? Ada begitu banyak alasan, dan sebagian besar akan mengangguk setuju saat merasakan pesona wilayah ini, saat "lost" in Komodo.

Why? There are so many reasons, and most will nod in agreement as to feel the charm of this region, as "lost" in Komodo.

Berikut beberapa alasan mengapa Komodo jadi salah satu destinasi yang wajib Anda kunjungi:

Here are some reasons why Komodo be one of the destinations that you must visit:


Dari lautan yang bening, pasir putih (atau bahkan pink di Pink Beach), koral-koral cantik, hingga pemandangan spektakuler dari atas bukit. Komodo akan selalu membuat siapapun yang datang terpesona dan memicu kalimat "I will come back, someday"

From the clear sea, white sand (or even pink on the Pink Beach), beautiful corals, up to a spectacular view from the top of the hill. Komodo will always make anyone who comes fascinated and triggers the phrase "I will come back, someday"


When you dive, Komodo is one of the best (even for me, it's the best!). WHY? So many reasons, alam bawah laut Komodo bagaikan taman bermain dengan berbagai atraksi, mulai dari area dengan koral-koral cantik, dive spot di mana kita dapat bertemu dengan ikan-ikan besar, bermain arus di bermacam-macam titik penyelaman yang sangat seru, hingga manta paradise. Diving here in Komodo is truly a lifetime experience.

When you dive, Komodo is one of the best (even for me, it's the best!). WHY? So many reasons, the underwater world of Komodo like a playground with many attractions, ranging from areas with corals beautiful dive spots where we can meet with the big fish, play flow in a variety of diving points very exciting, until manta paradise. Diving here in Komodo is truly a lifetime experience.

Saya selalu menyarankan siapapun yang datang ke Komodo untuk menginap di kapal, menikmati hari-hari di perairan Komodo dengan tinggal di kapal. Nikmati sensasi bangun pagi dan melihat pulau-pulau di area ini mulai berwarna diterpa matahari pagi, menikmati langit siang yang biru dan merapat ke area laut berpasir putih bagaikan kolam renang alami, sunset indah setiap hari, hingga menatap langit bertabur bintang hingga tertidur. Life is simple on the boat, but happiness do came from simple things in life.

I always advise anyone who comes to the dragon to stay on board, enjoy a day in the waters of Komodo to stay on board. Enjoy the sensation of waking up in the morning and see the islands in this area began colored exposed to the morning sun, enjoying the daytime sky which is blue and docked to the white sandy sea area like a natural pool, beautiful sunset every day, up to stare at the star-studded sky to fall asleep. Life is simple on the boat, but happiness do come from simple things in life.

Yes, the Komodo Dragon, the one and only, the world's wonder is in our country. Melihat komodo langsung di habitat aslinya tentu berbeda dengan melihat di kebun binatang (please jangan pakai alasan "liat di Kebun Binatang aja," it's completely different feel). Melihat binatang unik ini di habitat aslinya juga membuat kita lebih menghargai alam, see how nature works, dan bonus pemandangan indah dari bukit di Pulau Komodo, ataupun Pulau Rinca di mana kita dapat melihat komodo.

Yes, the Komodo Dragon, the one and only, the world's wonder is in our country. See dragons live in their natural habitat is certainly different to see at the zoo (please do not use reason "we can just see them in the Zoo," it's completely different feeling). See unique animals in their habitat also makes us more appreciative of nature, see how nature works, and a bonus of a lovely view of the hills on the island of Komodo, Rinca Island or where we can see the dragons.


How to enjoy your komodo trip? Just embrace the journey! Jangan takut hitam diterpa matahari, jangan segan menceburkan diri ke laut di area "kolam renang alami" dan snorkeling spot, jangan ragu untuk terus trekking ke atas bukit, jangan takut menginjakkan kaki di pulau tempat habitat komodo, just "get lost" and enjoy it!

How to enjoy your trip dragons? Just embrace the journey! Do not be afraid of black exposed to the sun, do not hesitate to throw themselves into the sea in the area "natural pool" and snorkeling spot, do not hesitate to continue trekking up the hill, do not be afraid to set foot on the island where habitat dragons, just "get lost" and enjoy it !
Have fun in Komodo folks!


Mau trip ke Komodo GRATIS, all expenses paid? Well, ayo ikutan TEH KOTAK GET LOST TRIP TO KOMODO!!

Akan ada 2 pemenang yang akan trip ke Komodo gratis pada bulan Agustus 2016 ini (Btw, Agustus is the best time to visit Komodo).

Tema foto adalah "Bener-bener Indonesia" yaitu foto Teh Kotak di tempat/ objek tertentu di Indonesia dalam 1 foto yang diposting di akun Instagram. Postingan wajib menggunakan hashtag #BenerbenerIndonesia dan #TehKotak ya. Selain itu tenang aja, background tidak perlu lokasi yang benar-benar wah, lokasi sederhana pun bisa jadi menarik, tergantung kreatifitas kalian pastinya :)

Kompetisi ini berlangsung dari tanggal 1 Maret 2016 hingga 31 Mei 2016, jangan lupa follow official account Instagram @IDTehKotak dan @GetLost.Magz ya




Anonim mengatakan...

Waaah, pengen ikutaaan hhi :)

Unknown mengatakan...

Aish ... Aku dah posting beberapa, semoga menang manja melenggang tampan ke komodo lagi

Surya mengatakan...

Wah, hadiahnya trip ke Komodo? Sama Mbak Prue? Wuih.....

Anonim mengatakan...

atas laut ...
bawah laut...
viewnya baguss semua...
masukin bucket list....

indah fajarwati mengatakan...

Wahh .. kalo kaya gini biasanya pemenang nya udh di tentuin blm sih? Soalnya kadang2 kuis2 gitu udh di tentuin ..