Saya beruntung
dapat menjelajah tempat-tempat yang bahkan tidak terbayangkan sebelumnya.
Sebagian orang mungkin akan berbicara tentang luar negeri sebagai destinasi
impian, namun saya selalu menyarankan kepada siapapun untuk mencoba berkeliling
Indonesia dan menikmati keindahan negara kepulauan yang tiada taranya ini.
I was fortunate
to be able to visit places that I haven't even imagine to visit before. Some
people might be talking about abroad places as their dream destinations, but I
always recommend anyone to try to get around Indonesia and enjoy the beauty of
the island nation's peerless.
Berikut 5 lokasi
di Indonesia yang layak jadi destinasi impian, terutama bagi kalian pecinta
keindahan pantai dan laut! :)
Here are 5
locations in Indonesia which deserve to be dream destinations, especially for
those of you lovers of the beauty of the beach and the sea! :)
View from Harfat Peak, Misool |
Maybe I've write and told stories about Misool
thousand times (ok, maybe not thousand, but definitely a lot!), akan tetapi Misool yang berada di area
Raja Ampat bagian selatan ini selalu jadi destinasi yang melekat di hati saya.
Bukan hanya karena Misool memiliki area-area dengan pemandangan luar biasa dan
jajaran pulau-pulau karang yang sangat "random but stunning," Misool juga mengajarkan saya tentang
kebahagiaan sederhana anak-anak pulau.
Maybe I've
written and of toll stories about Misool thousand times (ok, maybe not a
thousand, but definitely a lot!), But Misool which is located in the southern
area of Raja Ampat is always a destination that is inherent in my heart. Not
only because Misool have areas with superb views and a range of coral islands
are very "random but stunning," Misool also taught me the simple
happiness of the children of the island.
The stingless Jellyfish |
Misool bagaikan berada di set film-film Hollywood yang terkadang tidak terasa
nyata karena sangat luar biasa indah, but these are real, and it's in Indonesia
Visiting Misool is like being on the set of a Hollywood movie that sometimes does not feel real because it is so amazingly beautiful, but these are real, and it's in Indonesia :)
Visiting Misool is like being on the set of a Hollywood movie that sometimes does not feel real because it is so amazingly beautiful, but these are real, and it's in Indonesia :)
Jika Misool
adalah Glamorous Dream dengan
pemandangan extra ordinary yang megah dan mempesona, Banda Naira di Maluku
bagaikan wewangian yang menenangkan namun membuat kita bersemangat, a Joyful Spirit.
If Misool is
Glamorous Dream with a magnificent view of the extraordinary and fascinating,
Banda Naira in Maluku is like a soothing fragrances but make us excited, a
Joyful Spirit.
Laut Banda yang
indah dengan koral beraneka warna dapat memberikan ketenangan yang luar biasa,
saat permukaan laut begitu stabil hingga bagaikan "cermin." Namun
Banda juga membuat saya begitu bersemangat menikmati laut dengan begitu banyak
ikan-ikan "menari," hingga kawanan lumba-lumba yang menyapa kami saat
melintasi perairan Banda. It's definitely
one of the must visit place in Indonesia.
Banda Sea is beautiful with colorful coral can provide remarkable composure, when the sea level was so stable up like a "mirror." But Banda also makes me so excited to enjoy the sea with so many fish "dancing," to herd dolphins greeted us when crossing the Banda Sea. It's definitely one of the must visit place in Indonesia.
Banda Sea is beautiful with colorful coral can provide remarkable composure, when the sea level was so stable up like a "mirror." But Banda also makes me so excited to enjoy the sea with so many fish "dancing," to herd dolphins greeted us when crossing the Banda Sea. It's definitely one of the must visit place in Indonesia.
Jika ingin
menikmati pantai-pantai unik Indonesia, datanglah ke Kepulauan Kei di Maluku.
Selain gosong pantai sepanjang 2 kilometer yang tampak bagaikan ular putih jika
dilihat dari atas, Kepulauan Kei juga memiliki pantai dengan rentang dataran
berpasir putih sangat luas.
If you want to
enjoy the unique beaches in Indonesia, came to Kei Islands in Maluku. In
addition to the beach sandbar along the 2 kilometers that looked like a white
snake when seen from above, the Kei Islands also have a beach with white sand
plains range which is very wide.
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Ngurtafur, taken from above. Photo by M. Ikhsan |
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Bair islands in Kei |
Nama-nama pantai seperti Ngurtafur dan Ohoidertawun mungkin belum akrab di
telinga anda, namun destinasi ini dijamin akan membuat siapapun yang
mengunjungi terpesona dan menikmati keseruan suasana pantai yang menyenangkan,
"celebrite" the uniqueness of our
country, here in Kei Islands.
The name of the
beach as Ngurtafur and Ohoidertawun may not be familiar to you, but these
destination are guaranteed to make anyone visiting enchanted and enjoy the fun atmosphere
of beach fun, "celebrite" the uniqueness of our country, here in Kei
Padang rumput
yang diwarnai jingga senja, kuda-kuda liar yang melintas dan dataran yang
begitu indah. Sumba di Nusa Tenggara Timur memiliki pesona tersendiri yang membuat
saya selalu rindu akan destinasi ini.
Savanna dyed with
orange twilight, wild horses were crossed and the terrain is so beautiful.
Sumba in East Nusa Tenggara has its own charm that makes me always longing for
this destination.
Tarimbang Beach |
indah dengan karakteristik yang beragam, padang rumput luas yang membuat kita
ingin berlama-lama menikmati suasana, hingga danau indah yang sungguh jernih,
Sumba adalah our "wild east" yang delicately
Beautiful beaches with diverse characteristics, wide savanna that made us want to linger to enjoy the atmosphere, to the beautiful lake that is really clear, Sumba is our "wild east" that delicately intriguing.
Beautiful beaches with diverse characteristics, wide savanna that made us want to linger to enjoy the atmosphere, to the beautiful lake that is really clear, Sumba is our "wild east" that delicately intriguing.
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Area around Bawah Island, photo by M. Ikhsan |
Jika berbicara
laut selama ini pikiran saya selalu tentang Indonesia timur, namun siapa
menyangka jika bagian barat Indonesia punya salah satu pulau terindah yang
bahkan pernah menyandang predikat "Best Tropical Island in Southeast
Asia" oleh CNN.
When speaking of
the sea during this time my mind was always on eastern Indonesia, but who would
have thought that if the western part of Indonesia has one of the most
beautiful islands ever even bears the title "Best Tropical Island in
Southeast Asia" by CNN.
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Turquoise mood in Anambas, photo by Amrazing |
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Temburun Waterfall, photo by Daud |
Terletak di
Kepulauan Riau, Anambas punya beragam pulau dengan lautan jernih bagaikan kolam
renang! Selain Pulau Bawah yang menyandang predikat pulau tropis terindah di
Asia Tenggara, ada berbagai area indah di Anambas, bukan hanya pulau dan laut,
namun air terjun dengan pemandangan luar biasa. This is one of the places that deserve a "dream list" title.
Located in the
Riau Islands, Anambas has diverse island with a sea clear as a swimming pool!
In addition to the Bawah Island bears the title of the most beautiful tropical
islands in Southeast Asia, there are many beautiful areas in Anambas, not just
the island and the sea, but the waterfall with a marvelous view. This is one of
the places that deserve a "dream list" title.
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View from Bawah Island, photo by Adhytya Christian |
There are still
more places in Indonesia, negara ini seakan tidak ada habisnya membuat saya
terpesona. Mengunjungi wilayah-wilayah yang ada di archipelago ini selalu jadi
moment-moment terbaik. Traveling is
really one of the best way to refresh our body and soul, just like perfumes
that suddenly makes us feel better, fragrance that boosting our mood instantly
like Vitalis.
There are still more places in Indonesia, the country seemed to have no end fascinated me. Visiting areas that exist in this archipelago has always been the best moments. Traveling is really one of the best way to refresh our body and soul, just like perfumes suddenly that makes us feel better, that fragrance boosting our mood instantly like Vitalis.
There are still more places in Indonesia, the country seemed to have no end fascinated me. Visiting areas that exist in this archipelago has always been the best moments. Traveling is really one of the best way to refresh our body and soul, just like perfumes suddenly that makes us feel better, that fragrance boosting our mood instantly like Vitalis.
Share your dream
destination with Vitalis di dan dapatkan Liburan Eksotis bersama teman kalian!
Caranya? ceritakan liburan impian kalian di
Share your dream
and it could be happening soon!
@marischkaprue - sharing happiness while keep on dreaming
Hanya bisa bilang, kereeeen dan mupeng mbak. Raja Ampat, Anambas, Sumba, wah itu masuk dalam list tempat yang ingin kukunjungi semuanyah
ud coba berkunjung ke pantai2 di pacitan kk?? g kalah keren pantai2ny, wajib di kunjungi kk
beruntung banget buat orang kaya kak mariska bisa keliling indonesia. itu juga merupakan mimpi gue kak. semoga tercapai
Huaaa pengen kesana>.<
Semuanya indonesia timur kecuali anambas ya... cakepnya udh ga bisa dibilang lagi ^O^.. aku yg bukan pecinta pantai aja suka bgt liat foto2nya :)
Aku nanggis kejerrrr sambil jerit2 manja
Aku blm kesana semua kak, please ajak aku lah hua hua hua #Ngarep
Bismillah semoga ada rejeki untuk kesana
Semua yang kak pru tulis keren, coba ke pulau banyak di Aceh kak, pasti gak ngecewain
Cakeeppp bangett kk pantainya...kesampaian gak ya liat pantai-pantai cantik seperti itu
Semoga kak Prue Sehat dan bahagia selalu.. JAdi terus explore indonesiaa...
Kei dan Banda Neira definetely on my bucket list now!
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