Ironi adalah saat nama dan kenyataan bertentangan. "Darul Aman" artinya "tempat tinggal yang damai," namun Istana Darul Aman justru menjadi saksi konflik tiada henti yang terus terjadi di Afghanistan.
It's irony when the name and reality is far way different. "Darul Aman" means "peaceful place to live," but the Darul Aman Palace became a witness of endless conflict that continues to happen in Afghanistan.
You can see the neo classic european style on its pillars and window |
Dibangun di tahun 1920 oleh Raja Amanullah Khan, Istana
Darul Aman mengadopsi gaya neo klasik eropa. Bangunan yang terletak sekitar 16
kilometer dari kota Kabul, Afghanistan ini adalah bagian dari cita cita Raja
Amanullah Khan, atau yang juga disebut Amannallahan untuk memodernisasi
Afghanistan dimana Istana ini seharusnya menjadi pusat parlemen yang
direncanakan oleh Raja Amanullah Khan.
Built in the 1920s by King Amanullah Khan, Darul Aman Palace adopt neo-classical European style. Located about 16 kilometers from the city of Kabul, Darul Aman Palace is a part of King Amanullah Khan's dream to modernize Afghanistan. The palace is supposed to be the center of the planned parliament by King Amanullah Khan whom also called Amanallahan.
The view from the Palace |
Namun kekuasaan Amanullah Khan tidak bertahan lama, pihak
konservatif Afghanistan menggulingkan Amanullah dari kekuasaannya dan tidak
lama berselang Istana Darul Aman terbakar di tahun 1969. Upaya rekonstruksi
dilakukan di tahun 1970 namun di masa pendudukan komunis Istana Darul Aman
kembali dilahap api.
But the power of Amanullah Khan didn't last long, Afghanistan conservatives overthrew Amanullah from power and not long after Darul Aman Palace burned in 1969. Reconstruction efforts carried out in 1970 but during the communist occupation, Darul Aman palace caught on fire again.
Darul Aman Palace is badly damaged now |
Its in the end of winter days so I still have to wear warm jacket |
Kerusakan bangunan ini kembali meluas saat gempuran
Mujahiddin di tahun 1990 dalam upaya merebut Kota Kabul, dan di tahun 2012 oleh
serangan Taliban.
The damage widespread when the onslaught of Mujahideen happened in 1990 in an effort to seize Kabul City, and also again in 2012 by Taliban attacks.
Kini, Istana Darul Aman luluh lantak. Yang tersisa adalah
bangunan yang terlihat rusak hampir di seluruh sisi. Namun bentuk utama
bangunan yang bergaya klasik eropa ini masih terlihat. Lengkungan dan pilar
pilar masih bertahan meski rentetan lubang serangan peluru memenuhi dinding
dinding bangunan.
Now, Darul Aman Palace was badly destroyed. What remains is a building which looks damaged in almost every side. However, the main form of classical European-style buildings are still visible. Arches and pillars still survived even though you can see bullets holes covered the walls.
Bullets hole are everywhere in this building |
Di bagian dalam pun tangga menuju ke lantai atas sudah tidak
dapat diakses, sebagian lantai atas bangunan runtuh dan sudah tidak stabil. Meski
tidak berfungsi lagi, tentara Afghanistan masih terus menjaga lokasi ini agar
tidak menjadi tempat persembunyian Taliban.
Inside the building, the staircase leading to the upper floor isn't accessible anymore, some floors of the building collapsed and isn't stable. Although Darul Aman Palace isn't functional anymore, the Afghan army continues to guard this location to prevent this location from being a Taliban hideout.
They are actually nice |
Istana Darul Aman kini jadi bukti sejarah perang dan konflik
menahun yang terus terjadi di Afghanistan, entah hingga kapan.
Now Darul Aman Palace became historical evidence of last long chronic wars and conflicts in Afghanistan, and who knows when it's gonna be over.
@marischkaprue - her abode of peace is everywhere in this earth, everywhere she goes during her trip.
See the video from Darul Aman Palace here:
wuiiihh mbak,, udah nyampe Afganistan!! keren!!
omg i m totally envy to the max that u ve been to that "dont tell my mom" destination :-)
all those bullet holes, makes me sad :(
Hebat sampai ke Afganistan euy,,
Keren foto2nta Prue,... one day I'll be there :)
bagus liburannya ke tempat bersejarah.
wow oleh2nya mesti peluru yg nuncep di tembok ..wkwk
Keren lho mbak!
@ferhat @honda
I'm just lucky :)
Yeay, its really exciting to be there :D not as deep as Diego Bunuel though X)
@ade ferdi @kartikadc
Thanks :)
Ini sepertinya salah satu perjalanan yang menegangkan nih
Tempat yang sewaktu-waktu bisa terjadi perang
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