Kalau bicara pantai dan laut, Indonesia
jawaranya. Setidaknya itu yang berulang kali saya rasakan saat berkeliling
Indonesia. Berulangkali pula saya dibuat terkejut, seakan keindahan tiada tara
di tempat yang pernah saya datangi, kembali dikalahkan oleh keindahan lain yang
saya dapatkan di perjalanan berikutnya.
When it comes to the beach and the sea, Indonesian have the best of it. At least that's what I feel when I travel around Indonesia when over and over again I stunned by its beauty. Feels like all those beautiful places I've been are just defeated by new places I visit again and again.
When it comes to the beach and the sea, Indonesian have the best of it. At least that's what I feel when I travel around Indonesia when over and over again I stunned by its beauty. Feels like all those beautiful places I've been are just defeated by new places I visit again and again.
Kali ini saya menjejak salah satu pantai yang
dengan bangga dapat saya sebut sebagai salah satu pantai terindah di Indonesia.
Jika tidak percaya, mungkin anda perlu terbang ke Ibukota Kabupaten Sumba
Timur, Waingapu, dan kemudian melakukan perjalanan darat selama tiga jam menuju
Kecamatan Tabundung di selatan Sumba Timur, Nusa Tenggara Timur.
This time I set foot on one of the beach that I can say proudly that it might be one of the most beautiful beach in Indonesia. If you don't believe it, maybe you should buy a ticket to Waingapu, the capital of East Sumba, then travel overland for about three hours to south area in Tabundung, East Sumba.
This time I set foot on one of the beach that I can say proudly that it might be one of the most beautiful beach in Indonesia. If you don't believe it, maybe you should buy a ticket to Waingapu, the capital of East Sumba, then travel overland for about three hours to south area in Tabundung, East Sumba.
Patrick loves this beach! |
Pantai Tarimbang adalah kombinasi putih
sempurna pasir pantai dengan air laut yang membiru. Bukan biru biasa, di sini
laut berwarna biru kehijauan, tuquoise, terlihat garis perbedaan warna dan
kemudian di sisi kiri kanan pantai terdapat bukit dan tebing, bagaikan cerukan
pantai yang hanya untuk anda karena di sini begitu sepi, begitu hening dan
begitu indah.
Tarimbang is the perfect combination of white sandy beach with the blue sea water was. Even, instead of the usual blue, here you can see combination of blue, green, turquoise. On the left and right side, we can see hills and cliffs, this area feels like a private area since it was so quiet and beautiful.
Tarimbang is the perfect combination of white sandy beach with the blue sea water was. Even, instead of the usual blue, here you can see combination of blue, green, turquoise. On the left and right side, we can see hills and cliffs, this area feels like a private area since it was so quiet and beautiful.
The fresh water lagoon |
Tarimbang bagaikan ditata dengan apik oleh
Yang Kuasa. Pohon besar yang telah mengering muncul di tengah pasir pantai yang
putih, dan jika anda berjalan ke arah kanan terdapat laguna kecil air tawar
dengan latar belakang belantara kehijauan. Saat arus datang, air laut bercampur
dengan air tawar di laguna ini, it's so beautiful.
The Almighty seems decorated this place beautifully. Large dried tree in the middle of white sand beach, and when you look to the right side area, you'll find small freshwater lagoon with greenery wilderness at the background. Sometimes, the sea water rise up and mixed with the freshwater in the lagoon, it's so beautiful.
The Almighty seems decorated this place beautifully. Large dried tree in the middle of white sand beach, and when you look to the right side area, you'll find small freshwater lagoon with greenery wilderness at the background. Sometimes, the sea water rise up and mixed with the freshwater in the lagoon, it's so beautiful.
Sejuta kata sepertinya tidak sanggup
mendeskripsikan keindahan Tarimbang. So see these pictures and just visit this
heaven in Sumba if you have time, will you?
Even million words can't describe the beauty of Tarimbang. So see these pictures and just visit this heaven in Sumba if you have time, will you?
Even million words can't describe the beauty of Tarimbang. So see these pictures and just visit this heaven in Sumba if you have time, will you?
@marischkaprue - Always making footsteps at
the beach
- Pantai Tarimbang terletak di area selatan Sumba Timur, tepatnya di Kecamatan Tabundung, Sumba Timur, Nusa Tenggara Timur.
- Tarimbang Beach located in the southern area of East Sumba, at Tabundung District, East Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.
- Untuk menuju Pantai Tarimbang, anda harus menuju Kota Waingapu, Sumba Timur (terdapat banyak penerbangan menuju Waingapu, jika dari Jakarta via transit di Bali).
- To get to Tarimbang Beach, you will have to go to Waingapu first (there are a lot of flights to Waingapu from Jakarta, via transit in Bali)
- Harga normal tiket Jakarta - Waingapu berkisar di harga Rp. 3.200.000 - Rp. 3.500.000,- PP.
- Normal return airlines ticket from Jakarta to Waingapu is around 280 USD to 305 USD.
- Dari Waingapu tidak ada transportasi umum menuju Tarimbang, caranya dengan menyewa motor atau ojek, atau menyewa mobil. Waktu tempuh sekitar 2,5 hingga 3 jam perjalanan dari Waingapu.
- From Waingapu, you cannot find any public transportation to Tarimbang so the option is by motorbike rental or ojek, or you can rent a car. From Waingapu to Tarimbang is about 2,5 to 3 hours.
- Contact sewa mobil di Waingapu: TX Waingapu, dengan harga sewa antara Rp. 400.000,- hingga Rp. 600.000,- per hari, sudah termasuk driver dan bensin. Telp: +62387 61534
- Rent a car in Waingapu via TX Waingapu, it's about 35 USD to 53 USD per day including driver and gas, but the price might be more for foreigner. Contact via +62387 61534
- Datanglah saat siang hari dimana warna laut akan terlihat jelas karena sinar matahari. Jangan lupa berjalan ke ujung pantai sebelah kanan karena terdapat tebing batu yang indah. Enjoy!
- You better come during daytime when the colors of the sea is so vivid. Don't forget to walk to the edge of the beach at the right area, you'll find a big rocky hills. Enjoy!
Hi Mba Marischka,
Untuk trip kesini bagusnya brp hari ya biar bisa nikmatin semua view.hehe..
kak, tempat menginap yang nyaman saat di waingapu dimana ya? lalu tempat-tempat selain pantai dan danaunya, adakah tempat lain yang wajib dikujungi di sumba timur?
Mba Marischka, sempat mampir ke desa tetangganya (desa pindu hurani)
Disana pantainya keren juga... Apalagi kesananya by foot (nyebrang langsung dr ujung kiri pantai tarimbang, ada pintu batunya yg baru nisa dilalui saat air surut).. :)
kak blognya sadiss. bikin pengen rajin ngeblog hihi..
hi,, i like to visit this site,, have a nice day :)
Sumba have fantastic beach all around the island, this one have very nice landscape.
Keindahan dikalahkan oleh keindahan lain. Hanya ada di Indonesia. Thanks udah berbagi kak Prue. Aku envyyyyy...
danau-danau terbaik di indonesia
hi danaux indah sekali...bangga saya sebagai orang sumba timur
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