WARNING: May contain some disturbing images
"Every action of the mind produces a
certain effect in the body"
Manusia selalu ingin tahu
akan apa yang bisa dilakukan, tentang hingga di mana batas kemampuan manusia.
Secara fisik, manusia seakan dibatasi oleh berbagai hal, keterbatasan
kecepatan, kemampuan menahan panas, keterbatasan elemen tubuh dalam menghadapi
benda tajam dan masih banyak lagi.
Humanity always wants to know what else can be
done to test the human’s limit. Physically, humans are limited by a few things:
limitations of speed, limitations of holding one’s breath, limitations of the
body elements when facing sharp objects and many more.
Percayakah anda manusia
dapat menahan panas api tanpa terbakar? Percayakah anda kulit manusia dapat
menahan tajamnya pisau dan parang? Percayakah anda bahwa manusia dapat
melampaui batas?
Do you believe that a person can withstand fire
without getting burnt? Do you believe that the human skin can withstand knives
and blades? Do you believe that a person can surpass human limits?
Di Tanjung Lesung, Banten,
saya mau tidak mau dibuat percaya akan hal tersebut.
At Tanjung Lesung, Banten, I do not want to made
to believe such things.
who do not see will not believe"
Saya bukan orang yang
percaya ilmu kekebalan, magic atau apapun istilahnya. Saya percaya ada logika
yang membatasi apa yang dapat kita lakukan, ada ilmu pengetahuan yang membuka
tabir bagaimana fungsi dan sistem tubuh manusia. Namun saya percaya pikiran
dapat mempengaruhi tubuh dalam beragam aspek, namun kebal dari api dan benda
tajam? sulit dipercaya.
I’m not a person that believes in the art of invulnerability,
magic or whatever it’s called. I believe that logic is limiting us from what we
can do, and there is knowledge that can reveal the ultimate functions and
system of the human body. But I also believe that our mind can influence how
our body works in different ways. But to be invulnerable to fire and sharp
objects? Hard to believe.
Kata yang umum di telinga.
Debus identik dengan menoreh-norehkan pisau dan benda tajam ke tangan dan
bagian tubuh lain tanpa terluka, identik dengan makan pecahan kaca tanpa darah
menetes sedikitpun. Ya, saya pernah mendengar dan melihat foto-fotonya, namun
menyaksikan langsung aksi debus benar-benar memberikan sensasi yang berbeda.
A familiar word to our ears. Debus is identical
with slashing knives and sharp objects to the hands and other body parts and
not being injured. They are known for eating pieces of glass without shedding
any blood. Yes, I’ve heard of them and have seen the pictures, but to see debus
performances live really gives a different sensation.
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Fire for dinner |
Panasnya api mengawali
atraksi debus, para jawara ilmu kebal memperlihatkan betapa mereka dapat
menahan panas api dengan menempelkan kayu yang dibakar jilatan api ke badan
mereka. Tidak cukup hanya itu, para ahli debus ini menempelkan lidah mereka ke
api dan kemudian membakar bara api. Berulang kali mereka mendekat ke arah kami
untuk memperlihatkan bahwa bara api yang mereka makan memang asli.
The heat of the fire began the debus attraction.
The experts of the art of invulnerability showed that they can withstand the
heat of fire by placing burning wood unto their body. Not just that, the debus
performers stuck their tongue out unto the fire and then set the ember on fire.
Again and again they approached us to show that the embers that they ate are
Saya seakan disuguhi magic show berulang kali. Dari api yang
membara, aksi membengkokkan kawat baja dengan tekanan dada dan leher, hingga
menusuk tangan dan leher - kali ini membuat saya menunjukkan ekspresi ngilu
melihat leher sang jawara ditusuk hingga tembus.
It was as if I was given a magic show again and
again. From the flames, the attractions of bending steel using their chest and
neck, until the piercings in the hands and necks. But this time, I gave an
unpleasant expression seeing the person’s neck being pierced by a foreign
Yang unik, para jawara ini
melakukannya terkadang sambil bercanda. Saat kepala mereka dipukul dengan bambu
besar mereka tertawa, sebelumnya saya pikir untuk melakukan aksi kekebalan
tubuh mereka benar-benar harus serius dan khusyuk. Ternyata tidak.
What’s interesting is, that these experts are
doing all this while joking around. When their head was hit by a large bamboo
they laughed. Before, I used to think that to do these stunts they have to be
very serious and focused. But actually they are not.
Di akhir "show"
sang jawara debus "mengubah" isi kelapa menjadi agar-agar. Saya yakin
kalau bagian ini adalah trik yang sudah dipersiapkan sebelumnya.
At the end of the show, the debus performers
changed the inside of the coconut to become agar-agar(jelly dessert). I’m sure
that this is a trick that has been prepared beforehand.
Saya makan agar-agar itu
sambil bercanda
I joked as I ate the agar-agar.
"Kalau makan ini bisa
ketularan sakti kaya bapak ya?"
“If I eat this, can your powers be transferred to
"Yuk ikut latihan aja
3 bulan," ujarnya bercanda
“Join us in our training for 3 months then,” he
Saya orang yang sulit
percaya magic, trik-trik mengubah barang A menjadi B, memindahkan sesuatu
dengan ajaib masih tidak masuk di nalar saya. Namun kekebalan tubuh bisa saja
dipelajari dengan kekuatan pikiran.
I’m a person that does not believe it magic
easily. Tricks that change object A into object B, or to move something with
magic, still doesn’t make much sense to me. But body resistance can be learned
by the mind.
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Trying to look "cool" around them but see who's photobombed us :) |
Pernahkan anda tiba-tiba
merasakan mulas di perut karena khawatir, merasakan pusing luar biasa karena
stress, atau baru merasa sakit saat melihat luka di kaki yang sudah ada
sebelumnya? it's mind that controls the
Have you ever suddenly felt sick in your stomach
because of being worried? Ever had a severe headache because of stress, or
feeling pain when seeing an old wound on your leg that was there before? It’s the mind that controls the body.
So the
next step is, shall we control our mind?
@marischkaprue - her mind is wild, her body is at peace