Berjalanlah di pusat kota Queenstown dan anda akan penasaran
dengan satu toko yang dipenuhi kumpulan orang di depannya. "Fergburger,"
nama yang tertera di papan nama restoran ini. Sulit untuk melihat ke dalam
karena lokasi ini selalu penuh dengan pembeli yang mengantre untuk menikmati
burger dengan ukuran fantastis ini.
If you walk in the center of Queenstown, it doesn't take long to capture your attention to a restaurant with bunch of people in front of it. "Fergburger," the name on the sign of this restaurant. It's hard to look inside because this place is always full of people lining up to enjoy this super size burger.
If you walk in the center of Queenstown, it doesn't take long to capture your attention to a restaurant with bunch of people in front of it. "Fergburger," the name on the sign of this restaurant. It's hard to look inside because this place is always full of people lining up to enjoy this super size burger.
people, people, people, people everywhere |
Sebelum saya datang
ke Queenstown, bahkan berulang kali teman saya menyebut fergburger sebagai hal
yang harus dicoba di Queenstown. Bahkan CNN Travel pernah menyebut fergburger dapat
menjadi salah satu burger terbaik di dunia.
Before I came to Queenstown, even my friends repeatedly say that I have to try Fergburger if I come to Queenstown. And even CNN Travel mentioned that Fergburger might be one of the best burger in the world.
Before I came to Queenstown, even my friends repeatedly say that I have to try Fergburger if I come to Queenstown. And even CNN Travel mentioned that Fergburger might be one of the best burger in the world.
more people |
Dengan reputasi tinggi maka saya, dan siapapun yang datang
ke Queenstown, New Zealand tampak tidak akan melewatkan kesempatan untuk
mencicipi fergburger. Restoran burger yang dibuka pada tahun 2001 ini berawal
dari kios burger biasa dan kemudian menjadi populer di kalangan backpacker dan
pecinta olah raga extreme yang memenuhi Queenstown.
With that high reputation, then me or anyone else coming to Queenstown, New Zealand won't miss this opportunity to taste fergburger. This burger restaurant opened in 2001, originated from a regular burger stall and then became popular among backpackers and extreme sports lovers who visit Queenstown regularly.
With that high reputation, then me or anyone else coming to Queenstown, New Zealand won't miss this opportunity to taste fergburger. This burger restaurant opened in 2001, originated from a regular burger stall and then became popular among backpackers and extreme sports lovers who visit Queenstown regularly.
busy kitchen |
always busy |
Kini fergburger berada di salah satu lokasi paling strategis
di Queenstown, dengan pelanggan memadati setiap saat. Yap, bukan hanya di jam
makan saja, fergburger tampak tidak pernah sepi.
Now Fergburger located in one of the most strategic locations in Queenstown, packed with customers at all times. Yep, not only at mealtimes only, Fergburger never looked deserted at all.
Now Fergburger located in one of the most strategic locations in Queenstown, packed with customers at all times. Yep, not only at mealtimes only, Fergburger never looked deserted at all.
its always packed |
Here comes the burger! |
Meski perlu mengantre dan sedikit berjejalan untuk masuk,
saya akhirnya memegang southern swine,
salah satu varian burger disini. Dengan daging sapi, american streaky bacon,
alpukat, selada, tomat dan bawang layaknya burger lainnya, burger ala ferg ini
tampak sangat besar untuk porsi makan orang seukuran saya.
Although I have to queue and a bit cramped to get in, I was finally hold southern swine, one variant of the burgers here. With beef, American streaky bacon, avocado, lettuce, tomato and onion like other burger, this burger ala ferg looks very big for someone like me.
Although I have to queue and a bit cramped to get in, I was finally hold southern swine, one variant of the burgers here. With beef, American streaky bacon, avocado, lettuce, tomato and onion like other burger, this burger ala ferg looks very big for someone like me.
me VS the giant burger! who will win? |
It's big and yummy.
Fergburger menunjukkan reputasinya, jika saya tidak bisa menghabiskan satu
porsi burger ini, bukanlah karena tidak lezat namun karena ukurannya yang
fantastis. I do agree then, one thing for
sure, you can't miss ferg in Queenstown!
It's big and yummy. Fergburger shows its reputation, if I don't finish my ferg, its not because it doesn't taste good but because of its size. I do agree then, one thing for sure, you can not miss ferg in Queenstown!
It's big and yummy. Fergburger shows its reputation, if I don't finish my ferg, its not because it doesn't taste good but because of its size. I do agree then, one thing for sure, you can not miss ferg in Queenstown!
- Fergburger terletak di 42 Shotover Street, Queenstown Town Center, phone: +6434411232
- Fergburger located at 42 Shotover Street, Queenstown Town Center, phone: +6434411232
- Open from 8.30 am
Enak banget tuhh,
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